by Marcus Andrews in TechieJobs TechieJobs Features
Posted on February 11, 2021
Recruiting on TechieJobs? Then this news is for you! Our dashboard for recruiters just got a new updated look. We've added some more information on your current account and recruiting status. Get more information on your account at one glance.
See how many job posts you've posted in the past 7, 14 and 30 days. See how many active and expired job posts you have. Also, see how many drafted job posts still await to be published. Furthermore, you can see if your company profile is complete. Your company profile is important - don't forget to keep it up to date. On the same dashboard you can see if you have any pending job applications.
Without revealing too much of our strategy we want to reassure you that more features for recruiters and job seekers to come soon!
Stay tuned!