by Marcus Andrews in TechieJobs Case Studies
Posted on February 02, 2021
Recently, we've conducted a survey asking our visitors to answer questions on how the COVID-19 affected their employment situation.
The results turned out to be both positive and negative. On the positive side 60% of the responses showed that they were able to keep their jobs and more than a half from those switched the remote work (aka work from home).
On the other hand 40% of the responders have lost their jobs or lost part of their salary.
Below are the final results of the survey.
Question: How did COVID-19 affect your employment?
Nothing's changed........ 23%
I now work from home..37%
My salary decreased..... 9%
I lost my job................... 31%
80% of the responses have come from the US and Canada. The rest 20% of the responses represent other countries.
If you are one of those unlucky ones who lost your job in IT because of the COVID-19 (or for any other reason), we invite you to search for a tech job now on our website.